I Launched a Book Club!

If there's anything I wholeheartedly believe in, it's that artists CAN succeed in business. Moreover, I don't think artists need to compromise their artistic and creative integrity to be successful. 

However, in a world of "perfectionism" and social media, it can feel disingenuous for artists to try and promote themselves and their work, and a lack of business acumen becomes an unnecessary barrier for many talented artists to survive and thrive in their calling.

If that sounds familiar, I feel your pain. There was a time in my life where I only saw my art as a creative outlet because it never seemed practical to view as financially sustainable. I had an epiphany one day after reading a book on entrepreneurship:

"I'm not just an artist; I'm a business owner. Better yet, I'm a creative entrepreneur."

Once I started focusing on my art as a service-based business, that was the day that my business started to shine and truly thrive. 

What I want to provide you with this book club, is access to my "mentors." These are authors, business owners, and thought leaders who have helped guide me, taught me how to break through plateaus, and see growth in an industry other people thought impossible.

Whatever your art, your voice, or your direction, I wish you tremendous success in everything you strive for.


LifestyleJeff Rojas